Northern Site Assessment Work

Arletta Environmental Site Assessment

Arletta has been maximizing the funding received on behalf of our clients through the provincial Site Rehabilitation Program (SRP, in AB) and Dormant Sites Reclamation Program (DSRP, in BC), and is well underway with completion of Site Assessment work in Northern BC.

Site Assessment work provides the information necessary to plan and budget for the appropriate closure path at each site: Is a site in need of remediation? Site-specific considerations to limit or eliminate remediation? Or straight to surface restoration and management?

A good site assessment also provides an accurate picture of a site’s liability, helping clients to understand their properties and similar properties in the area.

Arletta is proud of our success with obtaining SRP funding, and putting it to effective use on area-based assessment and cleanup programs. Feel free to reach out to discuss how we can kick start your ARO program with future SRP funding!