Posts tagged Health
Arletta COR Seedlings

As we prepared for our 2020 season, Arletta identified health and safety as a core value of our company and culture, that we will maintain and grow as our company expands. We made the decision to not only cultivate a strong culture of safety for our employees, contractors, and peers in the places where we work, but also to demonstrate that commitment to our staff and our clients, with the official Certificate of Recognition (COR).

A COR badge means that Arletta has developed a health and safety program that meets strict provincial standards. This program supports every task and every job we do. Not only do our staff and contractors adhere to this program every time they go to work, we are always looking for ways to improve our systems and ensure they are useable and teachable to our staff.

Arletta has the experience and expertise to effectively manage large portfolios of sites, from approval monitoring through to end of life reclamation. These jobs often involve multiple contractors at work on a site, where a prime contractor is needed to bring one coherent plan and safety program into play. We have worked hard and are proud to say that with our COR certification, Arletta can confidently fill that role as prime contractor for even the largest clients, knowing that our standards of health and safety will meet or exceed all expectations.

COR Arletta Environmental Consulting